Thursday 13 March 2014

Facebook start video advertising to News Feed

Facebook video advertsFacebook has announced that video adverts will start to appear on the News Feed within the next few months.Premium Video Ads will last 15 seconds each without sound and will stop playing if the user chooses to scroll past.
Tapping the video will prompt a full-screen view of the video with sound, but the social network is being cautious about who can advertise initially and the quality of their videos.

It will use a quality-control company to assess how engaging an advert is before it appears on News Feeds.

"Ace Metrix will allow us to objectively measure the creative quality of the video in the Facebook environment," it said in a statement. "We're taking this step in order to maintain high-quality ads."

Facebook started testing video adverts in December 2013, after multiple reports that the social network had been planning auto-play video adverts for some time.

Premium Video Ads will be rolled out gradually while Facebook observes closely how users react.

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